“Chairman’s Club Spotlight”
As a member of the Evansville Chamber of Commerce, Steve Eager from State Bank of Cross Plains was chosen for a featured Chairman’s Club Spotlight.
State Bank of Cross Plains opened its doors in 1908. With the recent merge of UB&T we are now 14 locations strong serving customers in both Rock, Green and Dane County. We pride ourselves on being one of the largest community banks in the area while maintaining that personal small-town feel.

Steve Eager, State Bank of Cross Plains
Role: State Bank of Cross Plains Market President. I help my team run our offices in Evansville, Janesville, Oregon, Brooklyn, Belleville and New Glarus.
History: I started full time with UB&T in January 1986, I started in Deposit Operations learning all aspects of the Operation side of Banking. I graduated from the Graduate School of Banking in August 1990. I was Chairman of The Community Bankers of Wisconsin in ’08 & ’09 and currently serve as the Wisconsin Delegate to the Independent Community Bankers of America Federal Delegate Board. I’m also on the Wisconsin Bankers Association Legislative Committee. If you count the 8 years I worked here in High School & College I’ve been working here 41 years. My greatest honor was being named Community Banker of the Year by the Wisconsin Bankers Association in 2019. I love my job!
3 words to describe SBCP: Talented, Kind, knowledgeable people helping our customers succeed in life!
Hometown: Evansville
Hobbies: Biking, wakeboarding, Alpine & Nordic skiing, golf & tennis
Favorite Food: Tough one, there isn’t much I don’t like. Fresh seafood.
Family: Wife Amy, Son Prentice 29, Daughters Lydia 25 & Anna 20
The last good movie you saw: Bohemian Rhapsody
The farthest place you’ve ever traveled: I’ve traveled throughout Europe extensively, Morocco was a great country to visit. Spain is my favorite country, I’ve been there 4 times over the years. I traveled to Brazil in May for my nephew’s wedding.
If you were stranded on a desert island what three things would you take with you: My wife Amy, My Beatles collection, wine.
What is the first concert you ever attended: Eric Clapton at the Coliseum in 1978
What movie title best describes your life:It’s a Wonderful Life
Favorite Quote: There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” Hemingway
If people really knew me, they’d know: I’ve biked 100 miles in one day in Death Valley, twice.
What is something you have been meaning to try: Pick up the guitar again.
Want to be featured in an upcoming spotlight? Contact christina@evansvillechamber.org to learn more about our Chairman's Club.